Barcelona is dressing up for celebration and vindication

30/05/2022 - 11:53

L'Orgullosa Festival is showing the city to the world as a benchmark in defence of LGTBI groups' rights and freedoms and presents an extensive activity programme.

A grand musical gala in the Anella Olímpica de Montjuïc on 28 June will be the culmination of an intense, festive and vindicative month organised by L’Orgullosa Festival. The event aims to show Barcelona to the world as a benchmark in defence of LGTBI rights and freedoms, the fight against LGTBI-phobia and the promotion of sexual and gender diversity. For this reason, more than a hundred artistic proposals have been scheduled in very different parts of the city throughout June. The programme, which the organisation defines as “intergenerational, transfeminist and intersectional”, has been put together with the collaboration of organisations, museums, libraries, civic centres and agents from all the districts.

For example, different museums and other cultural facilities are transforming their spaces and proposing temporary exhibitions, guided tours or talks on realities that, until now, have been under-represented or excluded from the dominant narratives. It will be the second year of the LGTBI Museums initiative, which was born in collaboration with the LGTBI Centre of Barcelona and is returning this year under the umbrella of L’Orgullosa.

The programme in the civic centres and libraries is also intense and extensive, with tours, exhibitions, debates, talks, performing arts, etc. Many other spaces will also be filled with this festive and vindictive spirit, such as creative factories, casals, cinemas, art centres, and so on. To name just a few of the many activities, on 3 June, the Fabra i Coats: Fàbrica de Creació will host the play Qué locura enamorarme yo de ti, written by and starring Gabriela Wiener and directed by Mariana Althaus, which is a reflection on family models and the romantic status; on 16 June, the Santa Mònica will host the show Retablo para un Concierto Monstruoso, by Isabel Do Diego, a triad of voice, body and instrumentation that leads to the celebration of the monstrous as a deified entity; or at the Zumzeig, on 22 June, there will be a session of dissident videos.

L’Orgullosa is organised by the Barcelona City Council and curated by Sarai G. Cumplido, Esther Marquina y Clara Piazuelo. The poster is by artist Javier Navarro. You can find all the details at this link.