“Cartographies on the run”, a cycle of activities for undrawing maps

06/11/2023 - 11:39

The Barcelona LGBTI Centre is starting the activity cycle “Cartographies on the run” today.

The Barcelona LGBTI Centre is today starting the activity cycle “Cartografies en fuga” [Catrographies on the run], a project plotting new lines that take into account points where we can break away from rules and restrictions.

What would a map be like that neither helps us get our bearings nor delimits things? A map where nothing follows an order and everything is all over the place and open to improvisation.

This is the starting hypothesis for the cycle, which reflects on imposed limits, such as prisons or repressive systems by military dictatorships in different countries in Latin America and also the Spanish state.

The cycle also looks at points where we can escape from these limits, to break with urban barriers, remember subversive spaces in cities and retrace the paths of sexile and other strategies.

The activities in “Cartographies on the run” will continue until 31 January, and include two photography exhibitions, round tables, guided walks around the city and a workshop.

The image for the cycle conjugates craft techniques such as cyanotypes and embroidery with digital design, and has been developed by the artists Naiara Striano and Paloma Ojea.

Take a look at what we have planned:

Off-centred memories


Photograph exhibition “Los muchos triángulos rosas” [The many pink triangles], by Luca Gaetano Pira in collaboration with the Archivo de la Memoria Trans de Argentina

What happened to LGBTIQA+ people during the military dictatorships in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and the Spanish state? This exhibition is a project borne out of the imperative need to give faces to the people who have fought all their lives for the right to freely be who they are.

Time: From 6 November 31 January during the usual hours at the LGBTI Centre

Presentation: 8 November

TIME: 6 pm

VENUE: Barcelona LGBTI Centre, C. Comte Borrell, 22 


Photography exhibition “¿Cuántos recuerdos guarda la memoria?” [How many memories does the memory hold], by Jess Insfrán Pérez

The photographer and feminist activist Jess Insfrán Pérez spent some months following the daily life of Liz Paola Cortaza, a trans woman who found a way of confronting and surviving the dictatorship of Alfredo Strossner in Paraguay (1954-1989), becoming an authentic role-model.

Time: From 6 November 31 January during the usual hours at the LGBTI Centre


Disjointed limits


Round table “The LGBTI collective in prisons. A critical vision of reclusion systems”

In the first person, we distort the limits that deprive people of freedom. What practices are followed inside the prison regime and through psychiatry about the LGBTIQA+ collective, and what effects do they have on people?

DAY: 23 November

TIME: 6 pm

VENUE: Barcelona LGBTI Centre (Comte Borrell, 22)


Round table “Dissidences and space. An intersectional feminist perspective on our urban spaces”

How are inequalities reflected on city maps? Using an intersectional feminist perspective, we’ll be sharing experiences offering transformations of urban settings to guarantee decent lives for all.

DAY: 18 January

TIME: 6 pm

VENUE: Barcelona LGBTI Centre (Comte Borrell, 22)


Displaced narratives


Exchange space “Les petjades del sexili” [Footprints of sexile]

Where do we take the footprint of sexile?
What form does it take?
What experiences does it consist of?
What happens if we get together and provide the body and the words?

DAY: 14 December

Time: from 5.30 pm to 8 pm

PLACE: Barcelona LGBTI Centre (Comte Borrell, 22)

REGISTRATION Advance registration required by writing to inscripcions@centrelgtbibcn.org


Itineraris disruptius


Guided walk “Sexual (dis)control and gender aberrations: punishment and insubmission in Barcelona’s Raval”

Making our way around spaces in search of the imprints of pleasure, we find inspiration in the resistance of these “badly inclined” women and all sorts of sexual and gender dissidence.

DAYS: 11 November, 16 December, 13 and 27 January

TIME: from 11 am to 1 pm

START: Plaça dels Àngels, at the entrance to the MACBA

END: Àgora Juan Andrés Benítez (C/ Aurora, 13)

REGISTRATION: Advance registration required by writing to inscripcions@centrelgtbibcn.org


Remember that all LGBTI Centre activities are free and open to all. The guided walks and the workshop require advance registration. Interpretation in Catalan sign language will be available for the round tables. 

View and download the full programme for “Cartographies on the run” HERE