The Barcelona LGBTI Centre will be presenting the book Hiperrevolucionaris i supergais. Una història de La Pluma i la C.C.A.G., by João França and Adrià Rodríguez Castelló, on Thursday, 19 December, at 6.30 pm. The book is part of the collection “Barcelona Ciutat i Barris” by Barcelona City Council and offers a historical and collectable work on the fight for homosexual and trans rights.
The book covers the history of the magazine La Pluma and the Coordinadora de Col·lectius per l’Alliberament Gai (CCAG), an organisation which had a short life, from 1978 to 1980, but engaged in an intense and fundamental activity for understanding the fight for homosexual rights at the end of the seventies in Barcelona.
The publication consists of the full original printed series of the six issues of La Pluma (1978-1980), respecting the format and the direct print from the time; a collector’s item. The material is accompanied by an in-depth study to understand an era, a struggle and a magazine.
The presentation ceremony will include a talk between one of the book’s authors, João França, and a member of the coordinating body for Col·lectius per l’Alliberament Gai (CCAG), Jordi Barceloneta. Mar Sifre Rigol, director of the magazine Orgull, will be conducting the ceremony, and also participating will be Javier Rodríguez, the City Council Commissioner for Children, Adolescents, Youth and LGBTI Policies.
After the session, those attending will be able to acquire copies of the book signed by the author.