The Deputy Mayor for Human Rights and the Fight against Discrimination at Paris City Council visits Barcelona’s LGTBI Centre

15/02/2022 - 16:52

The Deputy Mayor for Human Rights and the Fight against Discrimination at Paris City Council, Jean-Luc Romero-Michel, visited facilities at Barcelona’s LGTBI Centre today.

The Deputy Mayor for Human Rights and the Fight against Discrimination at Paris City Council, Jean-Luc Romero-Michel, visited facilities at Barcelona’s LGTBI Centre today.

Romero-Michel toured the LGTBI Centre’s exhibition space, the Armand de Fluvià Documents Centre and the areas where residents organisations were working at Centre, and received information on the cultural programme, activities and services provided by the municipal facility.

He later held meetings with representatives of the Observatori contra l’Homofòbia, Casal Lambda, Stop Sida i Famílies LGTBI, totes elles entitats que fan part de la Catalan LGBTI Platform.

Romero-Michel was the first politician in France to go public about being HIV positive in May 2002 in his book Life virus, having spoken about his homosexuality in his book They stole my truth.

His other books include Homo politicus: politics and homosexuality from 1960 to the present (2011), SurVivant, my 30 years living with AIDS (2016) and More alive than ever! How to surVive the unacceptable? (2020).

He is an HIV and AIDS activist, and champions the legalisation of euthanasia in France. He was the Chair of the French association for the right to die with dignity between 2007 and 2021.

He has been the Deputy Mayor for Human Rights, Integration and the Fight against Discrimination at Paris City Council since 2020.