We invite you to “Lorca”, a play by Joel Minguet

09/06/2023 - 10:25

We’re offering Joel Minguet’s play “Lorca” on 14 June at 5.30 pm, part of the programme to mark the 125th anniversary of the poet’s birth

Joel Minguet’s play Lorca is being offered in the function room at the LGBTI Centre on 14 June at 5.30 pm. The theatre piece is about the early literary years in the life of Federico Garcia Lorca.

The play also explores Lorca’s friendship with the painter Salvador Dalí and the relationship between the two of them. The piece comes as part of the programme to mark the 125th anniversary of the birth of the poet from Granada.

Before the show there’s a presentation of a coexistence project between elderly people and young LGBTI people cast out of their family environments.

The activity enjoys the participation of the LGBTI organisation Ahora Dónde-Le Refuge, as well as the Department for the Promotion of Elderly People and the Department for Women and LGBTI Rights at Barcelona City Council.

The activity is part of the cycle “La ploma als carrers!”, with a programme that runs until July. Check out the programme here

To book your place, please email inscripciones@centrelgtbibcn.org.