26 April, Lesbian Visibility Day: resources and recommendations

26/04/2022 - 11:51

Lesbian Visibility Day, on 26 April, is a day to defend equal rights for lesbians

Lesbian Visibility Day, on 26 April, is a day to defend equal rights for lesbians

Lesbian Visibility Day, on 26 April, is a day to defend equal rights for lesbians and help to highlight their reality by creating a collective image in line with the diversity that exists in our society.

Here at the LGBTI Centre we’re marking the occasion be regaining some of the activities we’ve hosted to reflect on the conquests and challenges that remain in terms of visibility for lesbians.

Lesbophobia. Patriarchal violence, what’s beyond the curtain. The LGBTI Centre hosted this exhibition by Creación Positiva in 2021. In this video you can see the opening discussion, with Montse Pineda Lorenzo, coordinator for political influence with Creación Positiva; Laura Pérez Castaño, Deputy Mayor for Social Rights, Global Justice, Feminism and LGBTI Affairs at Barcelona City Council; Mireia Mata i Solsona, Director General for Equality with the Government of Catalonia; Mª Luisa García Berrocal, coordinator for the support area with Creación Positiva; and Lara M. Pascual, Azahara Fuentes and Irene C. Matamala, joint authors of the exhibition.

Recital “Música i poesia bollo”. We also celebrated lesbian visibility with a festival of bollo music and poetry in 2021, where transfeminism, health, grief, relationships, identities, gender, pleasure, memory and the defence of life were just some of the topics explored through poetry, rap, music and performance. Participants at the recital included Elena G. Ruiz, Isa Sina – Isa Calsina, Dafne C., Jaracandá Disidente, Olza Olzeta, Joyce Jandette and La Grieta, with poetry and performance, along with music from Las amigas de Yoli (Mònica Guiteras Blaya and Ana G. Aupi).

We also remind you that the Armand de Fluvià Documents Centre, housed in the LGBTI Centre, holds a document archive with numerous publications on lesbian matters, including essays, narrative works and pieces in other genres.