18/04/2021 - 11:59

Candidates for the post of Ombudsperson reach the citizen support stage

City Council. Between now and 19 May, city residents can back their preferred candidate using the Decidim.Barcelona platform.

16/04/2021 - 15:56

The LGBTI centre is to celebrate Sant Jordi / St George's Day with a "Dissident readings” literary gathering

Ian Bermúdez, Yannick Garcia, Pol Guasch, Maria Rodó-Zárate and Raquel Santanera are taking part in the event, which has been organised in collaboration with the Catalan-Language Writers Association.

13/04/2021 - 18:00

The LGBTI Centre presents the exhibition “Lesbophobia. Patriarchal violence, what’s beyond the curtain”

LGBTI. The project is promoted by the organisation Creación Positiva and created by Lara M. Pascual, Azahara Fuentes and Irene C. Matamala.

Sant Jordi, 2021, SantJordiBCN, Barcelona, llibres, roses
12/04/2021 - 16:33

Sant Jordi 2021 in Barcelona: safe culture and local commerce

Sant Jordi. A safe, decentralised and crowd-free Sant Jordi, from 21 to 23 April.

31/03/2021 - 18:43

"Women*: together and diverse", the LGBTI Centre's new cycle of activities

LGBTI. The cycle can be followed online through YouTube between April and July.

25/03/2021 - 15:47

The Observatory against Homophobia is bringing the LGBTI Centre an exhibition entitled "NuesTrans vidas importan"

Trans visibility. The exhibition, which is on until 7 April, is a project from the Andalucia Trans - Sylvia Rivera Association (ATA) highlighting the experiences of thirteen trans role models.

06/03/2021 - 13:01

Final workshops in the LGTBI+ Youth series of events

Activities. Available places

8M, 8 de març, DiaDones, feminisme, dones, Barcelona
01/03/2021 - 12:21

An unstoppable and diverse collective feminist wave

Feminism and women. Presentation of the municipal campaign for 8 March, International Women’s Day.

24/02/2021 - 18:03

Neix FIRE!! LAB, una iniciativa per promoure la producció de cinema LGTBI a l’Estat espanyol

Es poden presentar projectes fins al proper 31 de març.

18/02/2021 - 13:10

Rojo Clavel’s artistic performance on the Barcelona metro transports us to the life of José Tenorio and the LGBTI movement

Metro. The performance offers a fictitious metro line that traces a map of Barcelona's LGBTI memory