Advice on issues related to a healthier, more equitable and efficient organization of time for companies.

The Directorate of Gender Services and Time Policies offers, in collaboration with the Business Service Office of Barcelona Activa, advisory services to companies on equality that includes a specific aspect on the organization of time. Through this service, companies that want to initiate or expand some kind of measures for a healthier, more egalitarian and efficient organization of time are guided and accompanied.

the year 2021 gave a new impetus to the aspect of the Business Advisory Service on Equality focused on the organization of time, providing it with more resources and making it more visible through the name of the service, currently Business Advisory Service on Equality and Organization of Time, and the incorporation of new materials and specific support resources.

For more information, visit:

Last updated on: July 2024

Starting year

Planned completion date
Ongoing service


Feminism and LGTBI Services Directorate
Area Management for Culture, Education, Sports and Life Cycles