Company travel plan

Barcelona Activa has developed a first Corporate Travel Plan within the framework of the Social Responsibility Policy with the objective of implementing an integral strategy to incorporate a more sustainable and responsible mobility to the organization, contributing to the reduction of emissions and energy consumption, the improvement of accidents and health, incorporating equal opportunities, gender and diversity perspective.

Within the framework of the Company Travel Plan, we are initiating actions linked to the different strategic axes: promotion of the use of non-motorized methods, promotion of the use of public transportation, reduction of emissions derived from private vehicles and mobility management. Specifically, we are developing a system to share vehicles (employees) and reduce the environmental impact generated. On the other hand, in 2022, electric charging points will be incorporated in the Almogàvers and Barcelona Activa Headquarters parking lots.

Last updated on: April 2024

Starting year
EDP started 2021

Planned completion date
Ongoing service
EDP expected completion 2024 (the current EDP) 

Barcelona Activa