Deployment of the Barcelona Cuida service, a space for information and resources for caregiving.
Start year
Continuous service
Description of the action.
The Espai Barcelona Cuida (Barcelona Care Centre) has become an important and much needed service for caregivers and care workers in the city and has become a practical resource that provides detailed information and guidance on available care services and resources. The centre is also becoming a platform for promoting exchanges and collaborations among professionals and organisations in the field, and also fosters collective reflection on the function of care work.
The Espai Barcelona Cuida has established itself as an information, guidance and advice service, providing information on care resources and services to anyone who is a caregiver, care professional or has an interest in care work. It has shone a spotlight on caregivers to highlight the key role they play in society, foster their empowerment and strengthen links between them. This has been done by rolling out a programme of services and benefits through the Targeta Cuidadora, or Carer’s Card, and establishing ties with organisations working in the field of health and social care. The programme has developed a system for a system for listing and maintaining the city’s care assets and has set up two help points (one on the right to die with dignity and the other for relatives of suicide victims and survivors of suicide, in coordination with the Directorate’s Department for Mental Health and the Dret a Morir Dignament and Associació de Supervivents al Suïcidi organisations).
The centre has become a space for promoting the work carried out by organisations in the care sector and it serves as a meeting, reflection and discussion space for networks and groups involved in managing and providing support for care work: Xarxa de Suport a Famílies Cuidadores (Caregiving Families Support Network), Xarxa Barcelona per l’Alzheimer (Barceleona Alzheimer’s Network) and Taula de Treballadores de la Llar (Women Domestic Workers Committee).
The Espai Barcelona Cuida continues to evolve in keeping with the ever-changing reality and emerging needs, underscoring the importance of a dynamic and adaptive vision to ensure a present and a future in which care work is at the heart of municipal policy. It continues to explore new ways of supporting care work through public policy, involving the community in decision-making and fostering equality in the distribution of caregiving responsibilities.
For more information:
Last updated on: February 2025

Start year
Planned completion date
Ongoing service
Manager’s Office for the Area of Social Rights, Health, Cooperation and Community
Directorate of Health and Caregiving Services