Design and inclusion of a clause aimed at combatting the trend by which women only work part-time in municipal contracts

Inclusion of a clause to reward offers that incorporate more people hired full-time in the Annual Sustainable Procurement Objectives Plan. The protocol for applying this clause recommends its inclusion in those municipal contracts that address the most feminised sectors, a fact which is expected to impact these sectors and reduce involuntary part-time work, one of the main forms of precariousness that women suffer in the labour market.  

Work was carried out on the design of this clause in 2021, with consideration of the difficulties in formulating it and the conditions of application to guarantee the expected results. This task was conducted in collaboration with the Department for the Coordination of Administrative Procurement.  

Finally, on 2 June 2022, the Government Commission agreement approving the Sustainable Public Procurement Objectives Plan 2022, which incorporates the clause, was published in the Gaseta Municipal. The number of social clauses intended to foster gender equality that municipal contracts can include was thus increased to ten.

Further information:
Sustainable Public Procurement Objectives Plan 2022: 



Last updated on: July 2024

Start year

Planned completion date
Ongoing service

Feminism and LGTBI Services Directorate
Area Management for Culture, Education, Sports and Life Cycles
