Family break

the IMPD promotes respite services for people with disabilities with the aim of enabling caregivers to have a conciliation time, given the dedication involved in taking care of a person of child or adult age with a high degree of disability. Within the scope of respiratory services, the IMPD promotes its own leisure resources for people with disabilities (Time for You program) and also promotes respite through a line of specific subsidies to projects of entities that organize overnight stays for people with functional diversity and mental health disorders. 

These stays are generally out of the city, with a minimum of one overnight stay. The objective is to respond to the specific needs of families that have a member with a disability and enable a time of rest for all family members, to respond to unforeseen urgent situations, to avoid situations that may cause a premature separation of the person with a disability from his or her family and to ensure adequate care for the person with a disability when he or she is temporarily separated from his or her family. 

The IMPD promotes this activity through grants to projects of entities, with the requirements of being aimed at people living at home and a number of annual overnight stays between 1 and 30 per year per participating person.

Last updated on: May 2024

Starting year 

Planned completion date
Continuous service

Municipal Institute of Persons with Disabilities (IMPDB)