Monitoring of the incorporation of the time factor into the City Council’s 2030 Agenda

The Directorate for Gender Services and Time Policies is participating in the design and monitoring of the implementation of Barcelona City Council’s 2030 Agenda, ensuring that the time factor is included in the planned targets. 

Though the time factor is relevant across most of the sustainable development goals (SDG) put forward by the 2030 Agenda, SDG 5 (on achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls) is where it is most important. For this reason, a series of indicators have been incorporated into the monitoring of the 2030 Agenda in order to measure progress towards two targets: 

  • Recognition and appreciation of unpaid care and unpaid domestic work.
  • Women’s full, effective participation.

Further information:
Annual monitoring and evaluation report on the Barcelona 2030 Agenda

Last updated on: July 2024

Start year

Planned completion date

Feminism and LGTBI Services Directorate
Area Management for Culture, Education, Sports and Life Cycles