NUST Network's "Business to Business" mentoring service

The mentoring program promotes that expert companies with recognized trajectory in the field of time organization contribute their knowledge, experience and support to companies that want to learn and advance in this field, on a voluntary and personalized basis. 

It has the advice and knowledge of Barcelona Activa: the Barcelona Mentoring Program (based on the MIT Venture Mentoring Service) and the Women Mentoring Program.

Among its objectives, we highlight: 

Methodology of work of mentor and mentored companies.

  • 6-month program, with a monthly meeting.
  • The groups are made up of 2 mentor companies that assess 2 mentored companies, dedicating a total of 2 hours per month, 1 hour for each mentored company..
  • In the first meeting they start working on an improvement plan in the area of mentoring consultation, starting from a project proposal provided by the mentored company, which will be finished in the next meeting.
  • Minutes of the meetings are taken and the commitments of the mentored company are recorded.
  • An evaluation of each of the mentorships is made.

Description of the status of execution

1st edition: Start in October 2018 and end in 2019. In this 1st edition of the mentoring program in time organization 6 mentoring companies participated (Aigües de Barcelona, Softmachine, Criteria, KIM, SGS Tecnos and TBS) and 6 mentored companies (Can Cet, Oxfam Intermon, Amics de la Gent Gran, Fundació Pare Manel, AREP and Insercoop), both chosen through a selection process.

2nd edition: Start in October 2019 and end 2020. 6 mentoring companies participated (Aigües de Barcelona, Softmachine, TBS, Unió de Mútues, MCSS no. 267, Fundació Joia and Hospital Plató) and 6 mentored companies (Fundació Germina, Col-legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya, Casal dels Infants per l'Acció Social als Barris, Abacus, Agència per la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya and Accent Social).


Further information:


Last updated on: March 2024

Start year

Planned completion date
Continuous service

Directorate of Gender Services and Temporal Policies
General Services Management