Promoting responsible work-life balance through public procurement by the City Council

Since 2017, when the Mayor's Decree on sustainable public procurement of the Barcelona City Council is approved, the inclusion of a performance condition for which supplier companies have to implement measures to facilitate the work-life balance of the contracted staff, is raised as a key instrument for municipal procurement to be a transformative tool. Since then, the inclusion of this clause in municipal contracts has been increasing.

In 2021, a new protocol for the application and compliance of the clause is approved, which is aligned with the requirements with the areas that the City Council works in the framework of the Barcelona Time Pact, addressing issues such as flexible hours, teleworking and co-responsibility in care. This harmonizes the conditions established through municipal contracting with the types of resources that the City Council works internally. 

Along the same lines, the Equality Advice Service for Companies, offered by the Directorate of Gender Services and Time Policies in collaboration with Barcelona Activa, has been expanded by incorporating a specific aspect on time organization.

Last updated on: July 2024

Start year

Planned completion date
Ongoing service

Feminism and LGTBI Services Directorate
Area Management for Culture, Education, Sports and Life Cycles