Safety audits

In order to discover women’s needs and promote their experiences with urban planning that affect their perception of safety especially, and with a view to improving design and promoting urban planning with a gender perspective, various urban walks with women will be organised in order to identify factors that affect their perception of safety. 

This methodology is part of urban planning with a gender perspective, and it analyses uses of space during the day and at night, among other factors, including the time factor, in order to propose improvements to the urban space.

To date, around twenty walks involving women from the city of Barcelona have taken place.

In addition, a feminist methodological textbook has been created about how to organise the exploratory walks, known as ‘Urban planning and gender: everyday exploratory walks’.

Further information:
Feminist Methodological Notebook "Urbanism and gender: exploratory marches of everyday life".(in Catalan)

Last updated on: July 2024

Start year

Planned completion date
Ongoing service

Feminism and LGTBI Services Directorate
Area Management for Culture, Education, Sports and Life Cycles