Time management: self-regulation, responsibility and rationalisation

The start and finish time has a flexibility of 2 hours, so that you can choose a time to leave at 17:30 (you work one afternoon a week), with a 30-minute margin. Time management is based on self-regulation and personal responsibility, and at peak times you can increase the number of hours worked from 35 to 40 hours or clock in outside standard working hours. Meals can be taken in 30 minutes and the working day ends between 3 and 4 p.m. (except when working in the evenings).

Teleworking is possible up to a maximum of 50% of the working day, with the following distribution: one week, 2 days, the following week, 3 days.

A document is used to analyse the analytical analysis of the hours dedicated to each project. We work by objectives per project, with a periodic evaluation and an annual action plan. There is a shared agenda with the whole team and internal protocols for the different work processes.

In all the work carried out by the Institute, special emphasis is placed on the need to grow up with healthy sleeping, eating and physical activity habits in childhood and adolescence, with regular monitoring of the main indicators.

Last updated on: April 2021

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