Vila Veïna

Vila Veïna is a free municipal service that provides support and accompanies people who provide care or need to be cared for locally, near their homes and from a collective standpoint. The service offers a place for care and well-being for local residents, especially senior citizens, families with children aged 3 or under and carers (relatives and friends, as well as care workers).

At a local level, Vila Veïna offers information and guidance for local residents concerning care support resources, services and initiatives; a legal and employment advice service for carers and people who wish to plan their care processes; and a series of initiatives linked to promoting mutual support, emotional well-being, co-responsibility in care and work-life balance (municipal babysitting, respite services, etc.).

It also promotes community coordination for all the services and initiatives in the area of care in Vila Veïna areas, with the aim of complementing strategies and favouring a more holistic, comprehensive approach. 

Four Vila Veïna spaces were implemented in late October 2021 (Vilapicina i la Torre Llobeta, Congrés-Indians, Provençals del Poblenou and La Marina), along with a qualitative diagnosis in which more than 1,900 residents of the four areas took part. Action was then taken to respond to the detected needs.

In September 2022, six more Vila Veïna areas were introduced (Maternitat i Sant Ramon, Sant Gervasi de Cassoles, Vila de Gràcia, El Carmel, Trinitat Vella and El Gòtic). 

A care-based territorial diagnosis is currently being initiated, and the third roll-out phase, which will involve the implementation of six new areas (Badal, Eixample Dreta, Clot-Camp de l’Arpa, La Prosperitat, Maresme and Casc Antic d’Horta), is being prepared.

Tools to communicate and relate with local residents and citizens, in general, are also being deployed: an online portal, an online newsletter for each area, etc.


Further information:
Vila Veïna 

Last updated on: November 2023

Vila Veïna

Start year

Planned completion date
Ongoing service