Work-life balance and time management

The staff work an intensive working day, have flexible working hours for starting and finishing, as well as for changing shifts or choosing the holiday period. Implement a policy of digital disconnection. Encourage the recruitment of people at risk of social exclusion and promote measures to foster and raise awareness of gender equality.
Promote the health of workers:
They carry out an enquesta de risc psicosocial sobre les condicions laborals així com disposen d'un servei de suport psicològic per a les persones que formen part de la plantilla. On the other hand, training is given on occupational hazards and good ergonomic practices, as well as on healthy habits.
Putting health care at the centre:
They extend the legal period of some of the leaves (birth, care of children or family members) as well as have specific protocols for pregnant workers.


Last updated on: April 2021

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