How to develop a Digital Disconnection Protocol for your organization

22/02/2023 - 12:55 h

The right to digital disconnection is a concept that, in recent years and as a result of the tsunami of digitalization in companies and organizations, has been placed on the public and political agenda of local and international entities.

Although this concept is popularly associated with teleworking, the right to digital disconnection is much broader and also applies to face-to-face workers, granting them rights and duties, both to them and to the organization.

It is for all these reasons that from the Time Pact we offer the training pill “Towards an operational protocol for the digital disconnection of organizations” aimed at entities and organizations interested in developing a Digital Disconnection Protocol that meets their needs.

This training pill will cover the following points:

  • Regulatory framework for digital disconnection, including the European legislative framework as well as the framework regulated at state and Catalan level.
  • Good practices on digital disconnection. Some of the good practices developed by entities that are part of the Time Pact will be discussed, analyzing not only their content but also the impact they have had on the promotion of a healthier, more egalitarian, efficient and sustainable organization.
  • Development of a Digital Disconnection Protocol. This is the central part of the training pill, where a practical exercise will be carried out to prepare a draft protocol for digital disconnection.

The training pill will take place on March 9th, 2023, from 3:30 pm to 5 pm. It is free of charge and in virtual format. The capacity is limited to 25 participants, in order to guarantee a good development of the training action. Admission will be by order of “The Time Pact offers a training pill to learn how to elaborate a Digital Disconnection Protocol to the registered organizations.

If you want to learn how to elaborate a digital disconnection protocol individualized to the needs of your organization, send us an email to indicating in the title “Digital disconnection pill registration”, and your name, surname, organization you are part of and contact email address.