Call for proposals year 2023 - area of Uses of Time
General call for grants for district and city projects, activities and services year 2023
Qa) Promote actions for a healthier, more egalitarian, efficient and sustainable organisation of time. City area
The purpose of the projects submitted must be linked to the objectives of the Time Pact - a city commitment for a healthier, more equal, sustainable and efficient organisation of time.
The project complements municipal actions for the harmonisation of work, family and personal life and co-responsibility: 1.5 points.
The project incorporates innovative initiatives and methodologies and/or enhances networking: 1.5 points.
The project promotes co-responsibility and has an impact on equality between men and women: 1.5 points.
The project implements monitoring methodologies - such as sex-disaggregated indicators, an assessment commission or surveys - to evaluate the impact of the measures: 1.5 points.