Associació de Familiars i Amics de Nens Oncològics de Catalunya
The AFANOC (Association of Relatives and Friends of Children with Cancer of Catalonia) was established in 1987 by a group of mothers and fathers who saw the need to come together to work on improving the quality of life of all these children and address all the needs and unknowns surrounding childhood cancer.
With the organization by voluntary families of mutual aid groups, bereavement groups, information research groups on the disease, the association's professionalization was achieved with the consolidation of a multidisciplinary team.
During all these years, the organization has implemented programs and services with the aim of improving the quality of life of children and adolescents with cancer and their families and has worked to improve their psychosocial health. In this sense, the organization offers psychoemotional, educational, social, reflexology support and accompaniment in the grieving process.