Associació de Famílies Lesbianes i Gais

The LGTBI Families Association is an association of families with lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual, or intersex mothers and fathers who fight for full equality of the rights and duties of LGTBI families. This entity is part of the LGTBI network with other national and international entities, and actively participates in public bodies.

The AFLG works for the full equality of LGTBI families and the equalization of rights regarding assisted reproduction in lesbian women and trans men couples, promotes coexistence and visibility of family diversity through the organization of playful and informative meetings to share experiences, and participates in the educational field by training teaching professionals on family, affective, and gender diversity, working to ensure that educational materials include family diversity, participating in forums, congresses, talks, etc.

Some of the services, programs or groups they offer are: advisory service, Construïm famílies project, services and agreements for members, training, Baby FLG, Junior FLG, Adopting and Fostering Families Group, and Papagais Group.