Associació per la igualtat d’oportunitats i recerca amb perspectiva de gènere

Partnership for equal opportunities and gender-sensitive research is an organization formed in 2005 by a group of professionals specializing in Equal Opportunity Agents, with the goal of promoting the professional figure both in terms of its implementation in different potential areas of action and from the perspective of scientific knowledge and best practices development, also ensuring compliance with the profession's functions and competencies.

Its main objectives are: promoting Equal Opportunities between women and men, applying the dual strategy demanded by the European Union, i.e., positive action and mainstreaming; consolidating the figure of the Equality Agent, given the vital importance of fighting to promote a 'true' gender-equal culture.

It actively intervenes in the women's and feminist movements, making political advocacy in various fields related to equal opportunities, and is especially committed to FEPAIO, the Federació Estatal d'Associacions Professionals d'Agents d'Igualtat d'Oportunitats (AIO), and their professional certification, with the support of the IM.