Observatorio Cultural de Género

Born in Barcelona in the spring of 2013, l'OCG is an independent body not linked to any political party, organisation or association that is built as a forum for reflection, debate and action around women working in the various fields of culture in Catalonia. 

L'OCG aims to draw an x-ray of inequality in culture that will enable an exchange of opinions with institutions and civil society. Its objectives are to denounce gender inequality in culture, to defend and promote the visibility of women in the different cultural sectors, to promote political debate on such a general issue, to raise awareness in society, to raise awareness among young women, to encourage the empowerment of women in the different cultural spheres, to promote new policies aimed at correcting the inequality of women in culture, to promote new policies aimed at correcting the inequality of women in the different cultural spheres, to promote new policies aimed at correcting the inequality of women in the different cultural spheres, to promote new policies aimed at redressing gender inequality in culture, to work closely with other groups and associations to implement new tools to consolidate a new cultural horizon, and to promote culture as a fundamental tool for social cohesion and an essential instrument for achieving a priority framework for coexistence.