Xarxa Nust

SialSIG, SCCL is a non-profit cooperative created in 2018. The project, made up of two women, is a Geographic Information Systems (SIG) consultancy, with the aim of promoting and extending the use of SIG in areas in which, for many reasons, they are not used.

  • It seeks to increase the use and collection of open data and the collaboration of citizens and businesses in its collection and maintenance.
  • It uses GIS for social benefit, for decision making and for the detection of needs.
  • A GIS will allow us to obtain multiple and varied results, presented in a clear, dynamic and updated way. And it will allow us to do so in an efficient and cost-effective way, in terms of time, money and results. 
  • SialSIG, SCCL also seeks to adapt its services to the measure and needs of each of the cases.
logotip de l'entitat