5th edition of the Prize, 2016
The City Council gave the fifth edition of the Barcelona Innovative Company Award in Conciliation and Time, which is to recognize, promote and publicize the work of companies and organizations committed to improving time management, promoting the reconciling work, family, personal and social.
In this 5th edition there were 31 candidates from companies that chose one of the four award categories: companies with fewer than 10 workers, aged between 10 and 50 workers, between 51 and 250 employees and more than 250 people on staff. It also gave a special mention to the best extent implemented by companies NUST Network.
As news, this edition has expanded a category (pushed more than 250 employees) and also highlighted the celebration of five years of the award with a video that reviews the trajectory.
The awards ceremony, attended by a hundred people, took place on 21 February 2017 at the Salon de Cent Barcelona City Council and with the chair of the Mayor and Ada Colau Commissioner of Cooperative Economics and Social Solidarity and Consumer Jordi Via. During the ceremony, Dr. Sara Moreno, professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona gave a lecture entitled "From the reconciliation care work: the use of time beyond the workday."
The award in the business category with less than 10 employees were granted TBS - SARO ARROYO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS for reconciliation measures implemented so widespread and time (flexible hours, reduced hours, flexible vacation, telecommuting breakfasts labor hours reduced the birthday lunches and dinners) and the incorporation of a new measure compaction time (8 to 30 minutes for lunch 15:30) to relieve four afternoons week for personal time. The jury that is part of the Network NUST as an indicator of stability and continuity in the implementation of these measures.
The award in the business category with more than 10 and less than 50 employees were granted ETICAS RESEARCH & CONSULTING having implemented innovative measures and conciliation as the four-day work week, on flexible hours agreed to coordinators (from 11 to 16h.) and time management system without signing. The jury appreciated this effort in the field of consultancy and can act as a role model in the industry.
The award in the business category of 51 to 250 employees were granted UPCNET by its "People First" measures aimed at better management of time and the reconciliation of work, family and personal during intensive day all school holidays, intensive day every Friday of the year, time flexibility of input and output, weekly and monthly calculation of working hours and teleworking. The jury also assessed the implementation of measures that allow and facilitate the work of childcare / es: extension of maternity leave (+7 days), extension of paternity leave (+3 days), intensive workshop for parents and mothers, reduced working hours and continued for mothers, paid leave for travel in case of adoption, paid leave for medical examination of children / as. And other measures such as permission to study exams, unpaid leave, permission to enter into partnership.
The award in the category of more than 250 company employees were granted SEAT to promote innovative measures in the industry to allow greater reconciliation of work, family and personal as the elimination of the signing, flexible hours Check the reduced working day on Friday, teleworking, flexible expansion and paid leave provided for in the statute of workers and flexible remuneration. The jury appreciated the creation of a health center for workers adhoc / is as innovative as well as the fact that the measures are included in the group, collective agreement (written and agreed) and pointed to model in the industrial field.
And special mention award to a company member of the Network NUST was granted ABD WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION for having promoted and maintained since 2010 Diversity Management Agreement that conveys the unique implementation of measures to reconcile the integration and coexistence: the principles of equal rights in the selection process, banning harassment, induction manual for all staff, review of permits not covered by the collective agreement, reference group and training plan all employees.