6th Edition of the Prize, year 2017
On March 19th, the sixth Barcelona Awards were awarded to the Innovative Business in Conciliation and Time in: El Risell, Global Planning Solutions, Fundació Els Tres Turons and Grup Ametller Origen. The Jury granted two special mentions to member companies of the NUST Network (New Social Uses of Time): KIM-Knowledge Innovation Market i Institut d'Educació Contínua-UPF Barcelona School of Management.
In this sixth edition, 26 candidatures were presented by companies and organizations, who opted for one of the four categories of the prize: companies with less than 10 workers, between 10 and 50 workers, between 51 and 250 , and with more than 250 people in staff. Two special mentions were also granted to two member companies of the NUST Network (New Social Uses of Time) promoted by the Barcelona City Council.
The awards ceremony, where a hundred people attended, took place on March 19, 2018 at the Hall of Cent of the City Council of Barcelona, and was chaired by the Deputy Mayor of Madrid 'Economy and Labor, Digital City and International Relations Gerardo Pisarello Prados, the participation of the Commissioner of Social Economy, Local Development and Consumption, Álvaro Porro.
During the ceremony, Dr. Estrella Montolío Duran, professor of Hispanic linguistics at the University of Barcelona, presented the paper "Communication and Equality: business experiences", on communication to companies and organizations.
The jury, composed of representatives of the local administration, the business and trade union sectors, and the university, cooperative and social sectors, after highlighting all the companies favorably and evaluating the measures presented, agreed to award four prizes and two mentions special.
The prize in the business category of less than 10 workers was granted to EL RISELL for having extended the maternity leave in 8 weeks and that of paternity in 4 weeks by the cooperative and for having set the full day of 35 hours and the departure between 15h and 16h, establishing a model of balance between work and personal time and promoting co-responsibility in the care of children. Also for having certified the measures in writing and that the cooperative is adhered to the Pact of Temps of Barcelona. The cooperative has been signaled as a model to be followed in the consultancy sector: a sector where reconciling work, personal and family life has many difficulties, given the professional practice of the consultancies where sometimes the hours of work hours They are not clear and they depend on other external aspects like the delivery of the results.
The prize in the category of company with more than 10 and less than 50 workers was awarded to GLOBAL PLANNING SOLUTIONS to be a company of the technological sector that is making efforts to improve the work, personal and family life balance of the Workers (mainly men) with measures such as the mobile application (BOLD App) that facilitates employee time management, as well as betting on the recruitment of women in a sector in which today they still There are few. We also evaluated the set of measures adopted: reduction of the lunch break, flexibility of entry and exit times, e-work for people who live far, have children or are caring for a relative, possibility to bring their children to work in case of force majeure or holiday periods. And finally, it has been valued that the company actively participates in the NUST Network.
The prize in the category of company of 51 to 250 workers was granted to FUNDACIO ELS TRES TURONS for having implemented measures that facilitate personal, family and work conciliation that allow workers to be part of indirect attention as teleworking and compact the day with three free afternoons. Likewise, it has been valued that the foundation, which works in the mental health sector, has agreed to improve the working conditions recognized in the agreement with the legal representation of the workers, establishing a teleworking regulation commission formed by the direction, the heads of area and the representation of the working people.
The prize in the business category of more than 250 workers was granted to GRUP AMETLLER ORIGEN to bet on a weekly Saturday every 6 weeks to all the store personnel who do more than 20 hours a week, especially innovative measure in the Trade sector that can serve as an example to generate more transformations in this area.
The two special mentions of the prize to member companies of the NUST Network were awarded to: KIM (KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION MARKET) for having adopted a comprehensive and innovative set of measures through the conciliation and co-responsibility of work and personal life, with specific measures such as: meetings within working hours, flexible hours to study, the policy of lights off, the day off for the anniversary, the detailed e-work program and the flexible schedule of hours. In addition, it has been assessed that the company, working in the field of consultancy, is actively participating in the NUST Network. And at the INSTITUT D'EDUCACIÓ CONTINUA - UPF BARCELONA SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT for its FlexiTime program of flexibility and reconciliation policies for personal and professional life that includes a set of very broad measures (flexibility of entry and exit schedules, hourly compensation, hours of work, extra days of paid leave, etc.) and to adapt them to the needs of each department, including the front office, maintaining a broad schedule of care in the education sector postgraduate course In addition, it has been assessed that the flexibility policy has been agreed upon within the framework of collective bargaining and has been provided with assessment indicators and a follow-up commission.