Public time policies

Service of Equality and Quality in the Work for the companies of the Generalitat de Catalunya

Language: Catalan 
Area: Catalonia 
Subjects: Conciliation - work -Equality 
Author: Generalitat de Catalunya, 2012 
Review: Website of reference of the Generalitat de Catalunya about the equality and the organization of the time of work, which offers information, training, advice and resources.

Network of Social Economy of Barcelona

Area: Barcelona 
Subjects: Equality - Work - Uses of the Time 
Review: Network dedicated to promoting social entrepreneurship and social innovation, promoting social and professional integration of people at risk of exclusion of vulnerable groups and the view of good practices of social enterprises and CSR of the business enterprises.

Implementation methodology for a new work schedule in the business model

Language: Spanish 
Area: Euskadi 
Subjects: Schedules - work 
Author: Department of Employment - Occupation and Social Affairs, Basque Government. 201 
Review: Practical Handbook for the introduction of a new model of business hours. The guide guides companies in the implementation process, starting from diagnosis, to monitoring action and includes questionnaires and templates useful.

IATUR. International Association for Time Use Research

Area: World
Subject: Time Uses
Review: IATUR is a forum for researchers, universities and national statistical offices that study time use. The Association, which has members in 40 countries, holds an annual congress, whilst its website contains a bibliography and links to research centres. 

ARHOE. Asociación para la Racionalización de los Horarios Españoles

Area: Spain 
Subject: Work Time 
Review: The National Commission for the Harmonisation of Work Times is an association that works to rationalise people's working hours in order to achieve a better balance between this and family and personal life, as well as increasing productivity and improving quality of life. ARHOE organises annual conferences and congresses, and publishes an electronic newsletter on uses of time and work times.


Review: Programs of management of meetings. When a user proposes a date of encounter the system generates an url that can be sent to the persons who want themselves to summon, in the moment in that all the summoned ones they have marked their answer, the system generates a message with the more accepted proposal.

Rüdiger Safranski. About the Time

Language: Catalan 
Ambit: Mòn 
Subjects: Management of the time 
Review: Lecture of the philosopher and German writer in the one that reflects on the time with an economical and political historical approach.

Regulations to address work–life balance in digital flexible working arrangements

Edit: Eurofound
Authors: Oscar Vargas Llave and Tina Weber
Subject: Telework
Review: According to several sources of information, teleworking has been the normal form of work for at least 30% of the working population in Europe during the COVID-19 crisis (Eurofound 2020a). The findings in this report may provide a foundation to improve teleworking and other flexible working time arrangements in the future.

Telework and ICT-based mobile work: Flexible working in the digital age

Edit: Eurofound
Authors: Oscar Vargas-Llave, Irene Mandl, Tina Weber and Mathijn Wilkens
Subject: Telework
Review: This report analyses the employment and working conditions of workers with TICTM arrangements. It focuses on how the work environment and work organisation associated with TICTM affect the work–life balance, health, performance and prospects of workers. Because work–life balance is both a goal and a challenge of TICTM, and a core concern of EU social policy, the report includes a chapter mapping EU regulations directly related to work–life balance and TICTM.

Sustain(life)bility. Guide of tricks and remedies for a entrepreneurship that puts life at the center

Edit: ColaBoraBora in collaboration with La Quinta Ola
Design and layout: Nerea Márquez (Ojo Buey)
Subjects: Life at the Center
Review: Practical, easy to use, which aims to be useful for enterprising people who want to carry out their professional projects without neglecting the management of their lives; indeed, placing Life at the center. Because how are the lives of people who consciously and unconsciously venturing to undertake being managed? Can its quality be improved?

Working anytime anywhere: The effects on the world of work

Edit: International Labour Organization and the European Foundation for the Improvement of Livingand Working Conditions (Eurofound).
Authors: Jon Messenger, Oscar Vargas Llave, Lutz Gschwind, Simon Boehmer, Greet Vermeylen and Mathijn Wilkens
Subject: Telecommuting
Review: Document (68 pages): research conducted by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Eurofound, has analyzed teleworking in 10 European Union countries (Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Britain) and 5 countries in Asia and America (Argentina, Brazil, India, Japan and United States).

Good practices of timely actions of the members of the Tempo Territorial network (2014-2019) (in French)

Edit: Tempo Territorial
Design and layout: Atelier Terrains Vagues
Language: French
Subject: Time policies
Review: Document (70 pages). Resume 2014-2019 of communities involved in temporary policies, proximity services, work organizations, planning, mobility, collective Territorial Effects in France, Spain and Italy. By articulating the social, environmental and economic dimensions, temporary policies are an undeniable potential for innovation and outline public action in the tomorrow world.