Public time policies

Presentation of the first results of the subjective well-being survey of Children in Barcelona

Theme: Uses of Time - Childhood.
Author: Instituto Infancia y Adolescencia, 2017
Duration: 51:26
Synopsis: The deputy mayor of Social Rights, Laia Ortiz, and the director of the Institute for Childhood and Adolescence of Barcelona, Maria Truñó, present the results of the first subjective survey done to 4,000 children in the city of Barcelona.

"Tracing dignified lives" Towards a feminist economy. Resource guide to apply the feminist view of the economy in associative spaces.

Author: Matriu.
Edit: National Council of Youth of Catalonia (CNJC)
Subject: Feminist Economics - Care Economy - Uses of Time - Associations.
Review: Guide made based on the financing of the 1% prize of the CNJC. The aim of the guide is to reflect and introduce the feminist rupture perspective, and to provide resources to apply care strategies to the collectives.

Gender & Care Work of Political Economy Research Institue

Area: USA
Subject: Care-Conciliation-Equality-Work-Economy
Review: The Research Institute in Political Economy (Political Economy Research Institute) has a specific program on Gender and Care Jobs where you can consult studies and articles that highlight the contributions of care work to economic development and its implications in inequalities between men and women.

Feminist economics: approaches and proposals. Magazine Ekonomiaz, number 91, 2017

Author: Various authors. Coordinators: Yolanda Jubeto, Mertxe Larrañaga and Arantxa Rodríguez
Subject: Feminist Economics - Domestic Work and Care - Economy of Care - Uses of Time
Ekonomiaz is a biannual magazine edited since 1985 by the Department of Finance and Economy of the Basque Government and directed by a professional Editorial Board that aims to promote analysis and economic debate with a regional focus and with special attention to the application in the Basque economy. In this issue, dedicated to feminist economics, we want to show an overview of the foundations, thematic axes and debates that feminist economics addresses.

Manchester by the Sea

Dirección: Kenneth Lonergan 
USA, 2016 
Temas: Familia - Juventud
Manchester by the sea muestra la historia de Lee Chandler que se ve obligado a regresar a su ciudad natal tras la repentina muerte de su hermano, teniendo que cuidar de su sobrino de 16 años. . De repente, Lee se verá obligado a enfrentar un trágico pasado que lo llevó a separarse de su esposa y de la comunidad donde nació y creció.

Plan Madrid, City of Cares, 2016-2019

Scope: Madrid
Topic: Economy of Care - Igualtat - Uses of time
Author: Council of Madrid, 2017
Plan of the City Council of Madrid that places the sustainability of life and the facilitation of care at the center of political decisions, placing as an element of analysis the daily life of people, and on the other, work and the perspective of care as determining aspect of the living conditions of the population.
More information in:  

El cuento de la criada

Author: Margaret Atwood 
Subjects: Gender- Religion Salamandra, 2017
Dystopic fiction that focuses on the Republic of Gilead that sheltering in Islamic terrorism, politicians tocòcretes take power and abolish, among others, the rights of women. The body of Defred, the protagonist, only serves to procreate, as imposed by the Puritan dictatorship that dominates the country.

The 6 challenges of coworking

Ambit: Europe
Subject: Use of Time - Economy
Author: Lyon City Council, 2017
Review: The City of Lyon publishes a study on the main challenges that coworking has today. The results, based on the experience of the French city, point to issues of interest also for the reality that the sector lives in Barcelona. 

Caminando por las Hurdes ( Walking by Las Hurdes )

Author: Antonio Ferres
Subject: Rural areas - social classes
Madrid: Gadir, cop. 2006
Antonio Ferres visits Las Hurdes to leave us an indelible testimony of precariousness. This book, together with the Buñuel film, make up an indispensable diptych on a shaggy ground for chronic precariousness.

Miralls tèrbols ( Shady Mirrors )

Author: Lluís Ferran de Pol
Subject: Social classes - youth
Barcelona: Angle, 2008Symbolic space and time of social conflicts. The 20 years recreated by the hand of an unjustly forgotten author.

El país de las mujeres ( Women´s Country )

Author: Gioconda Belli
Subject: Gender
Barcelona: La Otra Orilla, 2010
Tale about a world one only lives women. The latest novel by the Nicaraguan writer Gioconda Belli, a reference in gender literature.

Dones d'Alger en les seves estances ( Algier women at their rooms )

Author: Assia Djebar
Subject: Gender
Lleida: Pagès, 2002A counterpoint to Virginia Woolf's classic, and a portrait of a time and a country where women are far from having their own space.