Public time policies

Un cuarto propio ( An Own Room )

Author: Virginia Woolf
Subject: Gender 
Madrid: Alianza, 2003
Great classic by Virgina Woolf in which she claims a space and time for women.


Author: Umberto Saba
Subject: Youth
Barcelona: La Magrana, 1987
Magrana 1995
The author from Trieste left us a magnificent portrait of the contradictions of adolescence in the figure of the protagonist Ernesto of the novel.

El pa de cada dia ( Everyday´s Bread )

Author: Mohamed Xukri
Subject: Social classes - Childhood
Alzira: Bromera, 2000
The harsh daily mood of a child in Tangier. Literature naked and direct that exerts the effect of a punch.

L'Illa ( the island )

Author: Giani Stuparich
Subject: Work - Old Age
Barcelona: Minúscula, 2010
Wonderful portrait of old age and the dignity of man before death.

La lluvia amarilla ( The Yellow Rain )

Author: Julio Llamazares
Subject: Rural areas - Old age
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1998
Chronicle of the disappearance of a village of Leon that will be submerged under the waters of a swamp and at the same time chronicles the disappearance of its last settler.

Patrimonio. Una historia verdadera (Heritage. A true story)

Author: Philip Roth
Subjects: Cares - Old Age
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 2004Novel who bets on self-affirmation to narrate the process of terminal illness of the narrator's father. As almost always an exceptional Roth.

El Trabajo de cuidados: historia, teoría y políticas (Cares work: history, theory and policies)

 Los libros de la Catarata, 2011
Author: Various Authors. Cristina Carrasco, Cristina Borderías and Teresa Torns (Ed.)
Subjects: Domestic and care work - Care economics - Uses of time
This book is an anthology of texts that are among the most relevant in the theoretical evolution and conceptualization of care work, written by authors of references of various disciplines such as economics, history and sociology. Addresses core issues surrounding human well-being and social reproduction.

Con voz propia. La economía feminista como apuesta teórica y política. (With your own voice. The feminist economy as a theoretical and political bet. )

La Oveja Roja, 2014
Autor: Diverses Autores. Cristina Carrasco (Ed.)
Temas: Economía feminista - Trabajo doméstico y de cuidados - Políticas públicas con perspectiva de género.
Varias autoras introducen los principales debates de la economía feminista: su recorrido teórico y conceptual, la importancia del tiempo para contabilizar y gestionar diferentes puestos de trabajo, indicadores no androcéntricos, presupuestos y política fiscal con perspectiva de género, los impactos de la crisis en las mujeres y el ajuste entre la economía feminista y la economía ecológica.

Satellite account of household production (CSPD) of households in Catalonia 2001

Institut Català de les Dones, 2007
Autor: Cristina Carrasco
Asignaturas: Trabajo doméstico - Contabilidad - Macroeconomía
Esta publicación presenta la necesidad de introducir todas las tareas relacionadas con el trabajo doméstico y el cuidado en la contabilidad que se hace de la riqueza que se genera en un determinado territorio. Este ejercicio permite visualizar el valor de estos trabajos, a menudo realizados por mujeres de manera invisible en los hogares, y plantear una cuestión política.

La Teoría Sueca del Amor

Directed by: Erik Gandini
Denmark, Norway, Swedish, 2016
Themes: welfare state - social policies - personal autonomy
Swedish society has a consolidated welfare state that promotes individual autonomy through social policies that respond to different situations of dependence on people. However, this social engineering has promoted individualism to such an extent that the documentary questions its ability to produce "happiness."

Economic quantification of domestic work and care of unpaid people in Catalonia

Ambit: Catalonia
Subject: Unpaid care work
Author: Observatorio Women, Business and Economy Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and Catalan Institute of Women Based on Time Use Surveys (EUT).
Review: This study approximates the quantification of domestic work and unpaid care to give it a monetary value based on an appropriate salary for these activities.

El cuidado de las personas. Un reto para el siglo XXI (Caring for people. A challenge for the 21st century)

Ambit: Spain
Subject: Care.
Author: Constanza Tobío, MªSilveria Agulló, MªVictoria Gómez and Mª Teresa Martín Palomo
Review: The study reviews widely and from different dimensions the social organization of care: its historical construction, the sociodemographic changes that accompany it, the needs of care throughout the life cycle, caregivers and care policies.