Public time policies
Boomers struggle to find their balance
Ambit: World
Review: Annual survey of job satisfaction, developed by the rental workspace company Regus. 26,000 interviews from 90 countries conclude that the younger generation and self-employed workers get a higher level of work-life balance satisfaction.
Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. 2013
Ambit: World
Subject: Use of Time
Author: IATUR, 2013
Review: Annual edition of the electronic journal that gathers some of the best articles of the year on the use of time. Study time and performance, daily life and time, or organization of leisure time is some of the themes listed in the yearbook.
Doing Better for Families
Ambit: World
Subject: Conciliation - Equality
Author: OCDE
Review: Macro Study about the support to the family in different states. It collects data of 44 countries on the effect of the crisis in the public helps, the number of children, the influence of the permissions of motherhood and paternity in the feminine work and the welfare of the child, the time flexibility or the measures to mitigate the poverty in the single families.
Conciliar per Educar [Conciliate to Educate]
Ambit: Province of Barcelona
Subject: Education - Conciliation - Equality
Author: Esther Sánchez Toast
Collaborations: Cristina Brullet, Dolors Comas d'Argemir, Miquel Martínez and Sara Pons
Foundation Jaume Bofill. Barcelona, 2011
Review: Splitting of the premise of the right of the parents to devote time to the education of his children without having to delegate in other society parts, it analyses the impact of the conciliation between personal life, familiar and labour in the education of the child. The study proposes new relations between public and private fields and business.
Conciliación en la Pyme: una ventaja competitiva [Conciliation in SMEs: a competitive advantage]
Ambit: Spain
Subject: Conciliation – Equality - Use of Time - Work
Author: Universidad Politécnica de Murcia, 2013
Review: Guide to innovation measures in HR for small and medium enterprises. Includes information on conciliation work and family life and their influence in productivity and retention of workers in enterprises.
Barómetro de Conciliación Edenred-IESE [Barometer of conciliation Edenred-IESE]
Ambit: Spain
Subject: I Work
Author: Edenred-IESE
Review: The survey realized to 1.200 Spanish workers analyses the assessment about the directors taking into account the sex, his familiar situation and the politics of conciliation in the company.
Calidad de vida y bienestar subjetivo unfantil en [Quality of life and subjective child welfare in Spain]
Ambit: Spain
Subject: Childhood - Use of time
Author: Unicef and UdG, 2012
Review: Resulted from the survey do to 6000 children to know their perception about subjects like health, education and economy. It includes iindicators about satisfaction in the use of the time.
Working time and work–life balance in a life course perspective
Ambit: Europe
Subject: Work - Use of time
Author: Eurofound, 2012
Review: Annual Study of the European survey on working time and living conditions. Notes that 80% of the population is satisfied with the amount of time you work and reconciling work and family life.
A les tres a casa? L'impacte social i educatiu de la jornada escolar contínua [At three o'clock in the house? The social and educational impact of the continuous school day]
[At three o'clock in the house? The social and educational impact of the continuous school day]
Ambit: Europe
Subject: Education - conciliation - Use of Time
Author: Elena Sintes Pascual
Jaume Bofill Foundation, 2012
Review: The intensive day in schools has been proposed as a solution to several problems. But there is evidence that it can improves outcomes and daily life of children and young people? What the experiences of other regions and countries say? This report addresses the impact of the school time organization, on quality and educational equity and makes proposals for a better design of the school day.
Developments in collectively agreed working time 2013
Ambit: Europa
Subject: Job - Time use
Author: Eurofound, 2014
Review: Study on the impact of collective bargaining on the duration of the working day in Europe. The work influences the time differences between countries in Europe before 2004 and the current EC
La durée effective du travail en France et en Europe [The effective length of the working week in France and Europe]
Ambit: Europe
Subject: Job - Use of time
Author: Coe-Rexecode, 2014
Review: Updating a previous study on the duration of working time in France, the shortest of the European Union. Based on data from Eurostat the work collects data from different economic sectors.
Anuari 2014 [Yearbook 2014]
Ambit: Catalonia
Subject: Timetables - Use of time
Author: Initiative for the Hourly Reform, 2015
Review: Annual report of the civic platform that promotes the change of timetables in Catalonia. Information collection about the axes of work of the entity, opinion columns about subjects linked to the project and especially information about the Commission of Study of the Hourly Reform in the Parliament of Catalonia.