Public time policies

Control of worked time

Review: Document for the working time management, designed in monthly blocks that keep always updated the annual calculation. It is useful also for families or students.

Now it is the time. Initiative for the hourly reform

Area: Cataluya 
Subject: schedules 
Review: The platform aims to promotethe change of the time zone in order to make possible a rationalization of schedules which favors the conciliation of work and family life, taking the time factor as a relevant variable in the pursuit of growth and welfare.

OIT. Regulation of the time of work

Language: Spanish 
Area: World 
Subject: Work 
Review: Section of the web of the International Organization of the Work that includes agreements, recommendations and other documents about regulation of the time of work.

Noves organitzacions del temps de treball a Catalunya, exemples d'èxit

Language: Catalan 
Area: Catalonia 
Subjects: Conciliation - work 
Author: Regional government of Barcelona, 2009 
Review: Selection of near 70 measures of success linked to the management and distribution of the time of work that at present companies are carrying out and organizations from all over the Catalan territory. Each practice includes a relationship of the main benefits that, according to the responsibles, the implementation of these measures has generated.

Coface – Confederation of Family Organisations in Europe

Area: Europe 
Subjects: Reconciliation - Family - Equality - time usage 
Review: Created in 1958, this network brings together more than 50 family organizations across Europe to discuss and propose measures in the fields of equal opportunities between men and women, integration of family size and reconciliation, social inclusion and representation.

Service of Equality and Quality in the Work for the companies of the Generalitat de Catalunya

Language: Catalan 
Area: Catalonia 
Subjects: Conciliation - work -Equality 
Author: Generalitat de Catalunya, 2012 
Review: Website of reference of the Generalitat de Catalunya about the equality and the organization of the time of work, which offers information, training, advice and resources.

Network of Social Economy of Barcelona

Area: Barcelona 
Subjects: Equality - Work - Uses of the Time 
Review: Network dedicated to promoting social entrepreneurship and social innovation, promoting social and professional integration of people at risk of exclusion of vulnerable groups and the view of good practices of social enterprises and CSR of the business enterprises.

Implementation methodology for a new work schedule in the business model

Language: Spanish 
Area: Euskadi 
Subjects: Schedules - work 
Author: Department of Employment - Occupation and Social Affairs, Basque Government. 201 
Review: Practical Handbook for the introduction of a new model of business hours. The guide guides companies in the implementation process, starting from diagnosis, to monitoring action and includes questionnaires and templates useful.

IATUR. International Association for Time Use Research

Area: World
Subject: Time Uses
Review: IATUR is a forum for researchers, universities and national statistical offices that study time use. The Association, which has members in 40 countries, holds an annual congress, whilst its website contains a bibliography and links to research centres. 

ARHOE. Asociación para la Racionalización de los Horarios Españoles

Area: Spain 
Subject: Work Time 
Review: The National Commission for the Harmonisation of Work Times is an association that works to rationalise people's working hours in order to achieve a better balance between this and family and personal life, as well as increasing productivity and improving quality of life. ARHOE organises annual conferences and congresses, and publishes an electronic newsletter on uses of time and work times.


Review: Programs of management of meetings. When a user proposes a date of encounter the system generates an url that can be sent to the persons who want themselves to summon, in the moment in that all the summoned ones they have marked their answer, the system generates a message with the more accepted proposal.

Rüdiger Safranski. About the Time

Language: Catalan 
Ambit: Mòn 
Subjects: Management of the time 
Review: Lecture of the philosopher and German writer in the one that reflects on the time with an economical and political historical approach.