Public time policies

The effective management of the time

Subject: Use of Time 
Author: UOC 
Duration: 1:22:07 
Synopsis: Conference of Iñaki Bustinduy, consulting partner of H & B Human & Business and a member of the Red NUST on the perception of time and the use we make of it, about his book "Time management"

Los usos y el valor del tiempo ¿Cuantas horas té faltan en el día? [Uses and value of time. How many hours are missing at your day?]

Subject: Use of Time
Author: La Casa encendida 
Duration: 00:02:50
Synopsis: Interview to the Sociologist professor Angeles Duran, by the presentation of one of his books in la Casa encendida.

The miracle of the conciliation

Synopsis: Chapter of Salvados, focused on reconciliation models in Spain and Sweden. Impinges on parity and social benefit of raising and conciliation.

Carl Honoré

Subject: Use of Time
Author: El Ser Creativo, 2010
Duration: 00:22:32
Synopsis: Carl Honoré Participation to the "First Congress of great minds," held in Malaga in 2010. 21 opinion leaders, 21 minute each. The creator of the "slow" concept spoke of his use of time theory.

Interview Sophia Blasco

Subject: Reconciliation 
Author: Badalona Comunicació 
Duration: 00:05:51 
Synopsis: The coach reviews the problems to which working women face in balancing work and family life, providing a historical overview.

Our time. The time in the digital era

Subject: Timetables - New technologies - Use of the time 
Author: CCCB 
Duration: 01:20:52 
Synopsis: Sociologist Wajcman Judy reflects on how digital culture has changed the concept of time and the time has changed ourselves.

Bank Time in Sant Martí

Subject: Time Banks
Duration: 00:02:13
Synopsis: Presentation of the time bank Poblenou on the occasion of its 5th anniversary, held in 2011

Our time. Speeded lives

Theme: Horaris - New technologies - Use of the time|weather 
Author: CCCB 
Duration: 01:34:36 
Synopsis: Hartmut Rosa specializes in the sociology of time and the formation of identities of how access to knowledge and information make us feel acceleration and inaccessibility in the world.

Interview to María Teresa López

Subject: Conciliation
Author: CNN +
Duration: 00:08:05
Synopsis: Iñaki Gabilondo interview to the Professor of Family Policy of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid and review life balance policies, Spanish and European. You can see the second part of the interview on youtube of the LabTemps

Our time. The clock

Subject: Timetables - New technologies - Use of the time 
Author: CCCB 
Duration: 01:36:43 
Synopsis: The conference journalist and economist Salvador opens the cycle Cardús our time, with which the CCCB opened the debate on the use of time and influence the clock to our society.

A les tres a casa? L'impacte social i educatiu de la jornada escolar [At three at home? The social and educational impact of the school day]

[At three at home? The social and educational impact of the school day]
Subject: School schedules - Conciliation
Author: Jaume Bofill Foundation
Duration: 00:06:59
Synopsis: CInterview with Elena Sintes, author by the study "At three at home. The social and educational impact of the school day." The author presents the main themes of his book: relation between school and academic outcomes, school and life balance and diversity of schedules in Europe and Spain.

Presentation of the first results of the subjective well-being survey of Children in Barcelona

Theme: Uses of Time - Childhood.
Author: Instituto Infancia y Adolescencia, 2017
Duration: 51:26
Synopsis: The deputy mayor of Social Rights, Laia Ortiz, and the director of the Institute for Childhood and Adolescence of Barcelona, Maria Truñó, present the results of the first subjective survey done to 4,000 children in the city of Barcelona.