Time measures at the center of collective bargaining agreements

01/06/2023 - 15:59 h

» The organization of working time is included in the V Agreement for work and collective bargaining 2023-2025

Last May 10, the most representative trade union and business organizations in Spain (CEOE, CEPYME, CCOO and UGT) signed the fifth Agreement for work and collective bargaining for the years 2023-2025.

As in the previous agreements, using collective bargaining, the social agents have sought to improve the situation of workers and companies, the maintenance of employment and working conditions; as well as enriching the contents of collective bargaining and adapting them to the changes and realities that are taking place in society, the economy and the labor market.

This agreement seeks to promote the improvement of the rights and working conditions of working people, wage recovery and the quality of employment, and aims to contribute to social cohesion.

The Agreement addresses many issues, among which stand out the regulation of wages and measures that facilitate more democratic labor relations in companies, such as technological and digital transformation, equality between men and women, aspects of health protection for workers, telework, digital disconnection and the protection of diversity and the LGBTI group, among other issues.

From the Time Pact, we want to emphasize those measures of the agreement that directly affect the regulation of working time, an aspect that is considered basic and which, together with the salary, is one of the main determinants of the quality of job positions.

The agreements reached in this matter show changes in the time organisation culture. Key highlights on that regard are the promotion within collective bargaining agreements of:

  • The preferential fixing of an annual calculation for the working day hours, in order to facilitate flexible formulas for organizing working time.
  • The implementation of the irregular distribution of the working day in order to make the productive and organizational needs of companies compatible with the personal and family life of workers.
  • The rationalization of working hours, with the aim of improving productivity and favoring the reconciliation of work, family and personal life.
  • Flexibility in work entry and exit times.

The introduction of these within an agreement of this magnitude is a step forward for organizations and companies to promote a healthier, more egalitarian, more efficient and more sustainable organization of time.