The Time Pact takes stock of a year in which the tools to advance the right to time have been strengthened

30/07/2024 - 13:51 h

» This new edition of the Yearbook covers the activities carried out during the year 2023
» The document also includes various expert voices reflecting on the right to time from different perspectives

The 2023 Yearbook of the Time Pact of Barcelona is the second edition of a document that compiles the activities carried out during the year in the city of Barcelona, as well as the main current debates around time policies.

An interactive document that, through the collection of visual and graphic material and reflections from expert voices, keeps us up to date with the advances, strategies, and policies promoted at the local level to advance the right to time, while also delving into future challenges.

Although the document is divided into three parts, in the introduction we are welcomed by Raquel Gil Eiroà, Councillor for Economic Promotion, Labour, Feminisms, and Democratic Memory. The article gathers some of the councillor’s reflections at the annual meeting of the Time Pact entities, where she highlights some key services as well as the profound social and economic transformation through consensus and shared progress that advancing the right to time entails.

The first part introduces us to time poverty by offering some relevant data collected in the dossier “From Time Poverty to Time for Life: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Guidelines.” Likewise, at this point, some of the instruments promoted by the city council are presented, such as the time impact evaluation tool, which highlights the responsibility of public institutions to reduce time poverty while also emphasizing the importance of entities and organizations.

The second section compiles some of the most notable activities, such as the training capsules or the General Grant Call, including a specific modality on time use that has funded the projects of 19 city organizations. Some of these entities have become part of the network of Time Pact entities, reinforcing it as a living project of community building.

In the last section, the yearbook broadens its view to a more international dimension, in which Barcelona becomes a benchmark for time policies. Here, the different supralocal spaces and projects that took place during 2023 are presented, such as the Time Use Week or the Time4All project, where the Barcelona City Council plays a key role.

The 2023 yearbook highlights the centrality of time policies on the international and local agenda. A centrality that is not only reflected in the strengthening of institutional networks but is also evident in the increase of municipal entities and organizations with which we jointly advance to promote healthier, more egalitarian, efficient, and sustainable time uses.