Fire service preparations for the local festival in Gràcia

12/08/2022 - 14:36 h

Safety and prevention. Firefighters checked decorations and fire hydrants around the different streets.

A team from the Barcelona Fire Service has approved the emergency and self-protection plan for the local festival in Gràcia, which is on from Sunday, 14 August, to Sunday, 21 August.

As ever, in the days leading up to the start of the festival, teams from the Eixample and Vall d’Hebron fire stations operated by the Barcelona Fire Service followed a special route around the different streets in the neighbourhood to spot potential hazards and inspect the following:

  • access to streets,
  • accessibility in streets should a vehicle or lorry with a ladder need to attend in an emergency,
  • flammability of street decorations,
  • water volume and pressure at the different hydrants
  • other factors which can affect action by the corps.

A special prevention operation has been established for the procession on Monday, 5 August, with a fire truck and rapid intervention vehicle. A prevention operation is also planned for the children’s and adults’ fire runs on Sunday, 21 August.