
The alert phase of the protocol for bad sea conditions has been activated.

Its mission is to inform various groups of the population about prevention and self-protection measures, by means of fire-fighting programmes. These programmes aim to inform and explain to various social groups how they should act in the case of a fire risk, both before (prevention) and after (self-protection).

They impart this advice through the Vall d’Hebron Fire Station Prevention Lecture Hall, and training sessions based on the culture of prevention are provided. The lecture hall consists of an exhibition room, a training classroom and a storage room.

Among other things, Barcelona Fire Service promotes awareness-raising and providing advice about fire prevention and what actions to take in the case of a fire. We give useful, practical advice for avoiding the possible negative consequences of fires and accidents.

We provide educational, experience and empirical activities. Experience as a teaching resource in order to promote knowledge, protection and safety. In the Prevention Lecture Hall, we carry out a variety of activities for different age groups and training needs.

The Prevention Lecture Hall is a Barcelona Fire Service training and play area, located on the ground floor of the Vall d’Hebron fire station. The educational objective is for children, young people and adults to know and learn how to adopt the right attitude in risk situations, as well as how to avoid these situations.


Furthermore, information is provided on basic fire prevention and self-protection aspects when faced with emergencies or risk situations. Various teaching resources are used, including videos, drawings and real practice with fire and smoke. Information about the Fire Service and its functions is provided, along with details about the type of vehicles, extinction and rescue tools, protective clothing, etc.

Proposed activities

Meeting the Fire Service Children aged 6

Learning about the work of firefighters, their tasks, tools, vehicles, fire stations and clothing. Basic prevention and self-protection advice. Practical workshop on fire in the kitchen (without fire).

Prevention and self-protection Children aged 8 to 16

Concepts of prevention. Self-protection techniques when faced with fire, smoke and gas. In this activity, students interact with the risk (drills concerning fire in the kitchen and smoke in the home). Various experience workshops are held on prevention and self-protection aspects which are present in everyday life. There is also a talk on how the Fire Service works and its in-situ work environment.

Fire Service

Presentation of Barcelona City Council's Prevention, Extinction and Rescue Service (FPERS) in the Prevention Lecture Hall: who we are, where we are, what we do, what functions we carry out and explanations of some information about the Service. The concept of prevention is worked on, with examples shown on videos. The activity is complemented with a visit to the installations and the vehicles, in order to find out about their functions, their equipment and characteristics.

Programme of educational activities in the city (PAE)

Many public and private organisations and institutions that are part of the Education Coordination Council, promoted by the Barcelona Institute of Education (Barcelona City Council), promote a variety of activities aimed at educational centres and their students. Among a multitude of educational activities, Barcelona Fire Service organises visits and workshops for schools. There are a total of four different activities, depending on the age and the characteristics of the visiting students:

  • Children aged 6: 'Meeting the Fire Service'. They are shown what the profession of a firefighter is like, what their tasks are, the tools that they use, their vehicles and the city's fire stations. They are also offered basic prevention and self-protection advice and a practical workshop on what to do when faced with a kitchen fire.
  • Prevention and self-protection, for young people aged 8 to 16:
  • Prevention Lecture Hall, for young people aged 16 to 18.
  • Students aged 10 to 16: 'Prevention and self-protection', prevention advice and self-protection techniques.
  • Students aged 16 to 18: 'Fire Service, Prevention Lecture Hall'. There is a presentation on the Barcelona Fire Service, advice on fire prevention is given and there is a visit to the fire station's installations.

The training initiatives, which include training in the lecture hall and a visit to its facilities, last roughly an hour and a half. The training initiatives are run by the 28 monitors accredited by the Catalan Institute for Public Safety, which the Fire Service currently has available.

The Lecture Hall is an independent area within the Fire Station, so it does not interfere with station activities. It has its own entrance, separate from the Fire Station's, and even has separate stairs for accessing the equipment room, thereby ensuring the safety of the Fire Fighters’ and school children's work at all times.

In addition to the training activities carried out in the Lecture Hall, Barcelona's various fire stations also receive visits from schools and groups, totalling almost 2,500 visitors, and they hold open days.

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