Fire prevention at the Mercat de Sarrià

09/03/2023 - 10:16 h

Safety and prevention. The Barcelona Fire Service continue to make their way around municipal markets.

The Barcelona Fire Service will be at the Mercat de Sarrià this Friday from 10 am to 1 pm with the Prevenim! educational vehicle, which the corps uses to disseminate advice on prevention and self-protection in connection with household fires.

The visit is one of the prevention education activities carried out periodically by the Barcelona Fire Service, the goal being to engage the general public directly and help people learn how to avoid fires in the home and how to act if one occurs.

The vehicle features the most common tools for firefighting and rescue operations, as well as screens for showing videos with advice on the prevention of household fires and self-protection.

After the Mercat de l’Abaceria and the markets of Poblenou, Hostafrancs, Lesseps and Horta, this is the sixth market to be visited by the Barcelona Fire Service this year. The next stops for the Prevenim! vehicle will be the markets of Tres Torres (17 March) and La Mercè (24 March).

Remember that besides following prevention advice, where there is a risk of fire this should be reported using the 112 phone number for emergencies.