Advice on preventing fires in the home now in accessible format for people with disabilities

26/06/2023 - 10:46 h

Safety and prevention. Advice on prevention and self-protection in an accessible format for users of screen readers.

Barcelona Fire Service, in collaboration with the Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities, has adapted its guide on preventing household fires to make it accessible for people with the disabilities. The guide contains practical advice on prevention and what to do if fire breaks out.

The new resource is aimed at people with limited vision or no vision, or other types of disabilities which do not allow them to read the non-adapted document, but who can read it with pieces designed for screen readers.

The accessible PDF is available here.

Household fires are the fires which affect people most directly, and they can be avoided. This is why the intention is to extend the ongoing task of preventing these sorts of fires and reach this group of people.

Prevention is a big part of the work carried out by the Barcelona Fire Service, exemplified by their educational work in schools, the prevention advice and training they give to various collectives, their awareness campaign at municipal markets and the different types of emergency plans they design.