Training stage completed by 32 new corporals with the Fire Service

06/02/2024 - 09:33 h

Safety and prevention. A four-month practical stage now begins, when the firefighters will develop new command roles with the corps.

The four-month training stage was conducted at the Institute for Public Security of Catalonia (ISPC), in Mollet del Vallès.

The new corporals have received their diplomas and will now start the practical stage, when they will develop new command roles with the corps, which they will share with other veteran firefighters of the same rank.

The practical stage is set to last until the end of May. After that the internal promotion procedure will conclude and the corporals will be definitively named in their posts.

This boost to the line of command with the corps is aimed at improving the service that the Barcelona Fire Service provides for people. Check the structure of the corps and the requisites for joining