Distinctions awarded by the Barcelona Fire Service on its annual day in 2024

08/03/2024 - 14:42 h

Safety and prevention. Sixteen diplomas were given in recognition of collaboration with the corps.

The ceremony began with a wreath laid at the monument outside the Espai Bombers, paying homage to firefighters lost in the line of duty, and forms part of the festivities for the day of the patron saint for the corps, Sant Joan de Déu, held today, 8 March.

The awards came next, in the museum space. Firstly, diplomas were given to eight members of the corps and an officer from the City Police for their actions during various callouts where their intervention played a crucial role. Later came the diplomas and external thanks:

  • To Magí Puig, in recognition of the lithographic print for members of the Barcelona Fire Service in 2023.
  • Posthumously, to Imma Ros and Elías López, members of the Catalan Fire Safety Cluster, for their professional careers in the world of fire safety and joint work with the corps.
  • To Enric Cortada, head of the Control Tower; and to Eduardo González, head of Shipping Conservation and Support, both with Port de Barcelona, in gratitude for their collaboration in the development of permanent training in 2023 and their willingness to work jointly with the Barcelona Fire Service on teaching and operational materials.
  • To Marta Martí, head of the Department of Economic Resources, part of the Manager’s Office for the Area of Safety, Prevention and Coexistence, in gratitude for the commitment over twenty years of work as the head of the department.
  • To José M.ª Sopena, head of vehicle maintenance with the Barcelona Fire Service, in recognition for a lifetime devoted to the maintenance and operational condition of the vehicles belonging to the corps.

Finally, the latest lithograph in the collection for the Barcelona Fire Service, a work created by Magí Puig, was awarded to the head of the recording department at the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Denis Iriarte.

The genoveve awards and medals of merit for 2024 will be awarded in a ceremony in the Saló de Cent, in the City Hall, on Tuesday, 12 March.