Barcelona Fire Service sends a new convoy with logistics materials to Kyiv

16/12/2022 - 14:24 h

Safety and prevention. Early next year the corps will also provide a crane for removing rubble and carrying out rescues, plus a fire truck.

Vehicles from the Barcelona Fire Service set off this morning with logistics materials for the Ukraine State Emergency Service. The convoy left on Friday and is heading for the Polish city of Nisko, where the delivery is scheduled for Monday.


The shipment includes power generators to tackle the low temperatures, hydraulic equipment to cut people from wreckage, 300 biological protection suits, 100 chemical protection suits and 15,000 face masks.

The Barcelona Fire Service will also be giving Ukraine the use of two vehicles at the start of next year: a crane capable of lifting elements of up to 40 tonnes, suitable for removing rubble and carrying out rescue operations, plus a fire truck.

Two fire vehicles were already sent in the summer as part of the collaboration agreement with Kyiv: one fire truck for extinguishing fires and a rescue vehicle with an articulated arm, loaned by Port de Barcelona. Individual protection suits were also sent, along with radios and emergency sanitary materials.

The City Council is currently subsidising up to five projects and programmes by organisations working on the ground: the Comitè Català per als Refugiats, Creu Roja, Farmamundi, Pallassos Sense Fronteres and UNICEF.

Barcelona City Council has shown its support from the outset for Ukraine after Russian troops invaded. Besides the collaboration and friendship agreement, Kyiv will be the guest city at La Mercè next year and the Mayor, Vitali Klitxkó, has visited Barcelona on two occasions.