City Police and firefighters take part in the 23rd Fair for the Elderly of Catalonia

18/10/2022 - 09:46 h

Safety and prevention. The fair promotes active ageing among the elderly and is on at La Farga in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat from 19 to 21 October.

The City Police and the Barcelona Fire Service are once again taking part in the annual Fair for the Elderly of Catalonia, which reaches its 23rd edition in 2022, to offer advice and good practice on safety and prevention.

The two corps will be sharing a stand at the fair, which is being held at La Farga in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat from 19 to 21 October. The stand will offer an information session on preventing house fires and on safe mobility, the goal being for elderly people, one of the most vulnerable groups for all types of accident, to be able to prevent and avoid risk situations.

By promoting practical information and advice on the prevention of fire and accidents, the City Police and the Barcelona Fire Service help to improve awareness on self-protection among the elderly, not just at home but when out and about.

Besides matters relating to safety, the fair offers options in broader areas such as culture, training, leisure, health, new technologies, sport, cosmetics, food, social services, institutions and organisations.

The Fair for the Elderly of Catalonia has become a fundamental tool for companies, organisations and administrations working to improve quality of life for senior citizens. The event is currently the largest fair for elderly people in Europe.