Forest fire risk alert deactivated as weather conditions improve

27/07/2022 - 11:28 h

Safety and prevention. Despite this, people are requested to exercise extreme caution as vegetation is in poor condition and remains very dry.

The alert stage of the Municipal Action Plan for the risk of forest fires was activated on 14 July. Given the improvement in weather conditions and the Catalan government deactivating the alert stage of its Infocat Plan, the municipal alert was also deactivated on 26 July. Despite this, people are requested to exercise extreme caution as vegetation is in poor condition and remains very dry.

Despite the improvement in the weather forecast, the seven fire stations operated by the Barcelona Fire Service remain on alert. Members of the public are being asked for maximum collaboration and extreme caution as the forest cover has been badly affected by the episode of high temperatures. The significant drop in rainfall in recent months has also contributed to this.

People are reminded that a Mayoral Decree came into force on 16 July prohibiting activities involving fire in recreational and camping areas, as well as in housing developments in Barcelona.

The forest campaign by the Barcelona Fire Service started early in June and will be in place until mid-September. It is currently prohibited to carry out woodland tasks or any action which might generate sparks within 500 metres of the forest cover, including burning waste and having barbecues.