Meeting on active fire protection systems

23/03/2023 - 14:17 h

Safety and prevention. The Barcelona Fire Service combined with the Fire Safety Cluster to organise today’s meeting to learn about active fire protection systems, held at the Zona Franca Fire Station.

Active protection systems consist of a set of facilities and resources installed somewhere to detect fire, alert people and/or extinguish flames.

This fully attended meeting was aimed at specialists and project heads tasked with the design of active fire protection systems, giving them a first-hand look at how these systems work once activated.

Practical demonstrations were given on the following:

  • The importance of connectivity between detection and alarm systems, by Detnov and PCI Kosmos (in collaboration with Grup On Seguretat)
  • Thermographic cameras, by AB Seguridad
  • Pumping systems against fire, by Ebara
  • Fire hydrants and hoses, by EACI
  • Extinguishers, by PCI Kosmos
  • Buoyancy smoke control systems, by Prefire
  • Pressurised smoke control systems, by Sodeca
  • Protection of electrical cabinets, by d’Air Fire

The meeting also included talks from Albert Ventosa, head of the Division for Prevention and Accident Investigation with the Service for Civil Protection, Prevention, Fire Extinction and Rescue at Barcelona City Council, Elías López, chair of the Fire Safety Cluster, and Carles Noguera, head of the Prevention Service with Catalan Fire Service.

The meeting was an activity linked to the exhibition “Protecting Barcelona. Firefighters and fire prevention 1833-2022”, which explains how fire prevention measures have been applied in the city from when the Barcelona Fire Service was created through to the present day. The exhibition is on at the MUHBA Oliva Artés until 30 June.