Preventive routes by the Fire Service in Gràcia

05/08/2024 - 09:00 h

Safety and prevention. The goal is to prepare for the road closures during the local festival.

The annual festival in the neighbourhood is being held from 15 to 21 August, but some streets and squares will be closed to traffic in advance so that decorations can be put up, and will stay closed until 22 August, for decorations to be dismantled. The Barcelona Fire Service are conducting preventive routes to become familiar with the restrictions as they could affect accessibility for their vehicles.

The preventive routes start this week and will be conducted from the Eixample and Vall d’Hebron fire stations, through until 14 August, from 10 am to 12 noon.

Various routes will be conducted, along with routes on foot and parking points to get first-hand knowledge of accessibility in difficult areas and know where to leave vehicles to minimise disruptions to traffic and get out quickly once tasks are completed.

All hydrants will also be checked to detect possible incidents and resolve them in advance.