Registration period open for the fire service fun run

01/07/2021 - 11:18 h

Safety and prevention. The run is being held on Sunday 24 October.

The run is set to make its way around the city under the slogan ‘Running together again’, with the spirit of getting sport back to normal as much as possible in the city after such a long time affected by the pandemic.

The 22nd Vueling Cursa de Bombers Barcelona takes place on Sunday 24 October, a year after being cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This year’s event is back with a format that adapts to the health situation to guarantee the safety of all participants. Even though the number of places is limited, if the situation with the pandemic allows for it, the number of runners able to take part will be increased.

This event is the most popular 10 km run in the city. Its protagonists, the city’s firefighters, are one of the most dearly appreciated corps among the public. Running by their side is a unique opportunity.

Anybody wishing to take part can register from today via the website for the event: