Spotlight on personal mobility vehicles for the 27th Barcelona Road Safety Forum

25/11/2021 - 14:15 h

Personal mobility vehicles. The forum is being held at the CaixaForum on 13 December, with a maximum capacity of 300 people and subject at all times to the current situation with Covid-19.

Personal mobility vehicles take centre stage at the 27th Barcelona Road Safety Forum, which is being held at the CaixaForum on 13 December. The increase in the use and presence of these types of vehicles, particularly in cities, has some positive aspects to it, but at the same time requires a legal and regulatory effort to help them fit in better in urban space.

The 27th Barcelona Road Safety Forum adopts an on-site format, with a maximum capacity of 300 people and subject at all times to the current situation with Covid-19.

The forum consists of three sessions: The city and new types of mobility,“Safety and coexistence between PMVs and the rest of forms of transport: specifics and risks, shared responsibility”, and “Opportunities for the use of PMVs: training, characteristics and regulations”.

The forum will be reflecting on the challenges and opportunities represented by personal mobility vehicles, from different angles such as legislation, regulations, the way PMVs fit in with urban space and their harmonious coexistence with other users of public space.

A mobility option on the rise

Personal mobility vehicles (PMV) have become an increasingly common means of transport, particularly in cities, where 98% of these new mobility devices are concentrated. They bring some significant advantages with them: they are more environmentally friendly, more efficient, practical, fast and easy to carry.

Even so, the increase in these vehicles also brings challenges in terms of their coexistence with other types of transport, pedestrians and bicycles. In 2020, incidents involving PMVs numbered more than a hundred, with six associated mortalities.

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