Take part in the architecture festival with the Barcelona Fire Service

24/04/2023 - 09:00 h

A participatory day is being organised at the MUHBA on Sunday, 30 April.

The MUHBA Oliva Artés is joining in on Sunday, 30 April, with this year’s architecture festival by the Architects’ Association of Catalonia. The venue is taking part with the Barcelona Fire Service exhibition “Protecting Barcelona. Firefighters and fire prevention, 1833-2022”.

Besides discovering the history of the factory and the transformations it has undergone, the day offers a chance to take an in-depth look at the exhibition “Protecting Barcelona. Firefighters and fire prevention, 1833-2022” with Joan Pedreny, former head of the Civil Protection and Prevention Division with the Barcelona Fire Service. The exhibition explains how fire prevention measures have been applied in the city from the point the Barcelona Fire Service was created in 1833 through to the present day.

Afterwards, with the instructions given by the architect and choreographer Toni Mira, there’s a chance to take part in a family choreography with the dancers from his company.

The activity is being held at the same MUHBA exhibition centre (C/ Espronceda, 142-146). Those wishing to attend need to register in advance here.

The programme for the day is as follows:

11 am Welcome to the celebration!, COAC Barcelona

11.15 am Urban Laboratory Project, Joan Roca, director of the MUHBA

11.45 am Presentation of the exhibition “Protecting Barcelona”, Joan Pedreny, architect and former head of the Civil Protection and Prevention Division with the Barcelona Fire Service

12.30 pm MUHBALLA! Sensory dance and visual poetry experiment, Toni Mira, architect and choreographer

Architecture celebrations are organised every year in different places around the city, promoting specific spaces and buildings through guided tours, talks, concerts and different types of workshops.